BUSH to The US Troopers :
" Capture Osama BEFORE the Election !!! "
The Retired US Iraq Commander Calls Bush Strategy: 'DESPERATE'
Where in the world is OSAMA BIN LADEN ?
Why haven't we found him yet ?
The title of the film is a play on the title of the television game show and computer game series,
"Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?", and other “Where in the World is” themes.
Spurlock searches for OSAMA BIN LADEN by visiting countries associated with the Al-Qaeda leader
(Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Afganistan, and Pakistan), as well as others affected by Al-Qaeda (Greece, Egypt, and Israel).
In each, he interviews individuals about their views of the United States and Islamic fundamentalism.
He also constantly asks people he meets, "Where is Osama bin Laden?"
Intercut with Spurlock's search are the late stages of his wife's pregnancy,
and the birth of their son after he returns.
Much of Spurlock's commentary is based on the concerns of a new father.
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